Alex Trebek

Some really great photo’s of Charlee’s Alex Trebek figure, enjoy!

Fantastic Four: Mister Fantastic, Reed Richards!

This is a dream project for me, Getting a Charlee Flatt Reed Richards from the Fantastic Four, could the other 3 be coming? Time will tell! Enjoy!

Santa PhotoShoot!

Charlee just sent me these pictures, what a fantastic display and photoshoot! Enjoy!

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Happy New Year!

We hope everyone has a great 2022! here are a couple pictures of some figures that were made this year! Enjoy!


The Mummy!

Charlee Flatt Mummy with sarcophagus




The two warbees pictured were a special project that took well over a year, the results of this finished prototype all done and sculpted by Charlee Flatt! It turned out Tremendous. Everything from the gun, to the wings, were hand sculpted by Mr. Flatt. To see these prototype figures in person was breathtaking and such an accomplishment for Charlee. Many thanks go out to our friends at Affable Entertainment for letting us share these photos. ***UPDATE 11/25/2019*** 21 more Warbee Photos added in his own Photo Gallery in the navigation menu.